Sacrifice of alms bowls and dharmarobe 2012

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Sacrifice of alms bowls and dharmarobe during the Kagyu Monlams 2013

With additional dedicated donations we could also offer 58 filled alms bowls and dharmarobe to the Buddha in the Mahabodhi Temple during the time of the Kagyu Moenlam 2013.

Impressionen from the sacrifice of alms bowls and dharmarobe to the Buddha at the Mahabodhi Tempel in Bodhgaya:

Opferungen an den Buddha im Mahabodhitempel während des Kagyü Mönlam 2012 / Offering to the Buddha at the Mahabodhitempel during Kagyu Moenlam 2012 - fotocredits/copyright: Gerold Jernej

Impressionen der durchgeführten Opferungen vom letzten Jahr...

Impressions of the performed sacrifices from last year...

Impressions des sacrifices effectués l'an dernier...


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