HH.Gyalwa Karmapa Thaye Dorje Condolence Philippines

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Liebe Dharma-Freunde,

auf den Philippinen hat der Wirbelsturm "Hayian" Verwüstungen angerichtet, deren Ausmaße noch gar nicht voll absehbar sind. 
Gyalwa Karmapa bitte um Gebete und Unterstützung für die betroffenen Menschen:
To the people of the Philippines,
I am saddened to hear of the great suffering and loss of life caused by the typhoon. As a fellow human beings, and a follower of Buddha, I offer my deepest condolences for the loss of your loved ones, and my sincere aspirations for all of you. Have courage, for I know that you have great strength.
Dear dharma friends around the world, I ask all of you to offer your prayers and practice for the people of the Philippines. Please recite the six syllables of Chenresig, and offer any other support that you can.
With heartfelt prayers,
Thaye Dorje
(Quelle: Facebook und karmapa.org)

Kondolenzschreiben des 17. Karmapa Thaye Trinely Dorje nach dem verheerenden Taifun Haiyan auf den Philipinen

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