The Practice of Saving Life - 01.08.2023



The practice of saving life

Khenpo Rinpoche has always highly recommended the practice of saving lives - among all conditional positive actions, it is the most powerful.

Chatral Rinpoche (1913-2015) also did a big fish rescue every year, Khenpo Rinpoche often held him up as an example of someone who made saving lives his main practice..

Chatral Rinpoche says in a Text (which you can read here):

Nothing is so dear to someone as his own life,
Therefore, there is no greater crime than taking life,
And no conditional virtue brings greater merit
Than the act of saving living beings and ransoming their lives.

Shamar Rinpoche is also an inspiring example, you may know this video from 1999.

And we are also continuing the practice of "saving lives" again this year, spending about 1,100 euros on this every month from May to October.

If you would like to donate for this, please send it to Karma Samphel Ling under the key word "Live Saving":

Account: Buddhadharma Zentrum Wien
IBAN: AT421420020010935254

May the good that has come out of this be for the benefit of all beings. May the activity of the Bodhisattvas, especially Karmapa, Shamarpa and Khenpo Rinpoche, unfold unhindered, and may they live long. May the wishes of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas come true for the benefit of all beings.

Kind regards,
the Team of Karma Samphel Ling







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